Operation HOPE Schedule

As many of you may know, I started a computer literacy program at Operation HOPE, Harlem in August 2009, and since then have taught dozens of classes on a wide range of topics, helping adults learn the basics of computers.

This program relies on volunteers - both teachers to lead the classes, and assistants to help provide one-on-one assistance during the sessions. If you would like to volunteer for either role, please email operationhopeclass@gmail.com.

*Teachers are listed in red*

2011 Schedule of Upcoming Classes
April 16 - Microsoft PowerPoint
11am-12:30pm: How to create a slide; change the background; add text; pictures etc.
1pm-2:30pm: Transitions; animations etc.
Katie, Eddie

April 23 - Earth Day Class
Computer Basics to help us reduce our carbon footprint (e.g. set up an email account, use online bill pay etc)
Tau Omega Chapter chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated in New York City 

April 30 - Introduction to Web Design
11am-12:30pm: What is a Web Site?; how to use html; basic functions (DNA) of web sites
1pm-2:30pm: How to design a personal web site/MS Word. Planning/ Tools/Design/ Publish; Learn what a Domain Name is.

May 7 - Microsoft Excel
11am-12:30pm: What is Excel; how to use Excel; basic functions
1pm-2:30pm: Applying basics to create formulas and make a personal income/expense report
Anu, Linnea, Louise

May 21 - Social Networking
*May 21 is International Gator Day! Gators, get into your communities and serve!*
11am-12:30pm: Introduction to Social Networking, overview of Facebook
1pm-2:30pm: Social Networking for professional purposes, including Twitter and LinkedIn
Serg, Nawal

May 28 - Websites for Entrepreneurs
11am-12:30pm: Got a project that requires a web site? Learn to use a web server? ; what is word press, or Dupral?; basic functions of web sites
1pm-2:30pm: Applying html to create and publish a personal web site/register a domain name

June 4 - Microsoft Excel
11am-12:30pm: What is Excel; how to use Excel; basic functions
1pm-2:30pm: Applying basics to create formulas and make a personal income/expense report
Louise, Linnea, Anu

June 18 - Microsoft Word/Resumes
11am-12:30pm: Resume basics; formatting in Microsoft Word
1pm-2:30pm: Resume critiquing; helping the participants edit or create their resumes/cover letters
Anu, Nicole

June 25 - Web Applications for Businesses
11am-12:30pm: What is an e-business, and ecommerce; how to use security; basic functions
1pm-2:30pm: advanced functions in web sites and make partnerships, start web store

All classes take place at the following location:
Operation HOPE Center
2511 Frederick Douglass Blvd (at 134th St.)
New York, NY

It's hands on volunteer work, and very rewarding! Come for as little or as long as you can and know that there is no further obligation to help out.

"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop." ~Mother Teresa