Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy new year everyone! A few weeks ago the personal finance club I’ve been teaching at a middle school in the Lower East Side came to a close. Over the various courses we covered: Decision Making and Wants Vs. Needs, Banking, Credit Cards and debt, Credit History, Credit Reports, Internet Scams, Identity Theft, Insurance and Investing and Taxes.

Once again, it was a great experience and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to get in the classroom to discuss a topic that is so often neglected. Our goal was really to begin a conversation; to get the kids talking and thinking about money beyond simply their immediate wants. Over my next few posts I’m going to summarize the lessons plans I created. I taught along with two other ladies from High Water Women, Christine and Monica. They are both wonderful women who also shared an interest in expanding financial literacy in the classroom.

Hope you enjoy taking a look at the summaries of each class!

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