I apologize. I haven’t been able to update my blog as often as I intended to. The plan was to hand write my weekly thoughts and get them online within a couple of days. That didn’t work out so well. I’m left with scribblings scattered around my office desk and apartment, and nothing on my blog to show for it!

Let me change that tonight.

When I arrived in New York to start my professional career, my focus was my job, but in those early days, immediately after the Lehman bankruptcy, I didn’t feel like I was always being challenged. I became discouraged when I felt like wasn’t adding any value to projects and left disheartened believing that I wasn’t really making a difference in any way.

It’s almost a year later, and I already feel like my life is so much more in balance. I realized that this could just be part of my career where I have to pay my dues. This isn’t the time for me to be the MVP, but to be a team player. At this stage of my career, I might just have to sit back, watch and learn.

But I still have a fiery energy and a joyful spirit, and I still believe I can add a lot of value to projects. I’m now focusing on allowing that creativity to nurture outside of the office cubicle. I’m about to write a new proposal for the computer literacy program I started last August through Operation HOPE. It is essentially a scholarship program, which will incentivize one participant to go through a short program which culminates in them teaching a computer class at the center. The idea is to cultivate a student to become a true leader; and in doing so empower themselves and the community around them. Upon adequate completion of the four part course, the participant will receive a scholarship for their efforts.

If you feel trapped in a job where you can’t share the unique skills you have to offer, find another avenue in which you can shine. Maybe you won’t find your dream job today or tomorrow, but you don’t have to waste your talent have because of your current job. There are so many people who could be benefited from your time, patience and love. Whether it’s your family, your friends, or a stranger – there are many ways to make a difference.

(Originally posted March 26, 2010)